For your kids ages 4 – 4th grade, we use interactive and fun stories/activities to teach that the Bible is never boring, that good leaders always care, and that we can have fun on Sunday mornings. For elementary school kids, all of a sudden life begins to move really fast. But no matter how fast life gets, we have a God who’s really BIG. Kids meet every Sunday morning after the music (~10:40 am) in the LP Kids Center (lower level).

We know that leaving your new baby for the first time can be overwhelming. The volunteers in our Nursery have been chosen for this age group because of their love for babies and their training to care for all the needs of your infant. While you are attending our adult service, your child will receive incredible care and a great experience, just like you will receive!
We hope that the following information will help you and your baby have a great experience on Sunday morning. Please bring diapers, bottles, pacifiers, and any special blankets that will soothe your baby through the morning. Label all items that belong to your baby.
For parents of infants that are fussy and don’t want to be in the Nursery, we have created a private area behind the Worship Center where you can sit comfortably and still see and hear the service!

Outlet Group - MS & HS
We believe it is important for teens to connect with all generations in the church so that they feel a part even after high school.